martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


What is impressive out of all this is the technologic advance we have had recently. It is told that technology will advance more in the next 5 years than what has advanced the last 10. What we do know is that neuroscientist do FMRI on people to know what they are thinking. The machine records and analyzes the information exactly where the parts are located in the brain, it also identifies people thoughts. I also learned that this machine could show the intention of people. Imagine when they develop this idea the amount of intentions we will know about people. I also learned that they want to research what the brain is seeing. I found very interesting what this new idea opens up for everyone. For example brands can FMRI people to see what they like and commercial purposes. It can also lead to new discovery and findings. I also found interesting the ability the machine had to show our feelings like "love' "hypocrisy" "happiness". What do I think of all of this? I love technology and I love how it is developing. Technology opens new windows of opportunities. New jobs can open. When I was little I saw this as science fiction, now its really happening. There can also be a downside; secrets can be identified, or personal information. So, in conclusion I love this idea, but it needs to be used correctly. 

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